How does Virtual Sheet Music work?

Virtual Sheet Music allows you to download or print instantly sheet music with audio files. Virtual Sheet Music editions include high quality sheet music in PDF file format that can be easily displayed, downloaded, or printed with any printer. Provided audio files (MIDI, Mp3 and Mp3 accompaniments files for most of the items) allows you to listen to your music or play along. Interactive Sheet Music via Scorch is often provided with most items, allowing you to transpose the music, change instruments, play it by changing the tempo, etc. Hal Leonard's sheet music is very often interactive as well, and offered in PDF file forma as well for instant download, display and printout. Items by Schott Music are offered as simple PDF files, whereas Alfred's music is shown within their own viewer and can be displayed and printable.

Simply follow these steps to enjoy our service:

  1. Be sure you have the Adobe Reader application installed on your computer. This allows you to open our PDF packaged sheet music files, whether you're online or offline. If you can read this document it's already installed on your computer; otherwise, just download it now.
  2. To learn how everything works, try our free sheet music first. This will also demonstrate our high quality content and value for your musical purposes.
  3. After you've discovered how it works, you can search or browse the catalog for titles you prefer.
  4. Once you've found your preferred sheet music (which includes audio MIDI, Mp3 as well Mp3 music accompaniment filesNew feature! on selected items), you can Buy or Become a Member to access it. Members have exclusive access to our archives!
  5. Discover other products of our such as our new exclusive Piano Accompaniment Videos™, free Music Lessons and mobile applications.

That's it!

Start browsing our catalog  and never hesitate to ask us any questions.

Thank you and enjoy the great music!

Last Updated: August 3, 2015 @ 2:02 pm PST
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Questions or Comments:

Karen * VSM MEMBER * on March 14, 2024 @12:56 pm PST
Although I downloaded the written music, I never got a chance to download the music files. How do I do this.
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on March 14, 2024 @5:16 pm PST
Hello Karen and thank you for your inquiry.

I guess you are talking about the audio files, correct? If so, those are included in some of our offered repertoire. All VSM editions include audio files, and so do some Alfred editions.

For example, if you are interested in Mozart's Concerto for flute and piano:

Just scroll down until you see the audio files shown on the page. From there, you can download them to your computer or listen to them directly from your web browser.

I hope this helps! Please let me know if I misunderstood your questions or need any further help. I'll be happy to help you at any time.

All the best,
Nadia * VSM MEMBER * on October 21, 2023 @10:28 am PST
Is there a tab where I can see a list of all my downloads...not day by day
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on October 21, 2023 @1:22 pm PST
Hello Nadia and thank you for your inquiry.

Of course, from the "Files" tab of your Logs & Orders panel:

Just "SHOW ALL" from the time-frame popup menu, and all your downloads will be listed.

I hope this helps!

Please, let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

All the best,
Martin * REGISTERED USER * on October 12, 2023 @7:29 pm PST
I can’t seem to get the playback feature or the transposition feature fo work on the song I purchased
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on October 12, 2023 @7:58 pm PST
I am sorry about that Martin. The interactive viewer is working fine on our side. Do you get any errors? What device and browser are you using?

Please, let me know.

All the best,
Liz Aylett on February 25, 2022 @3:42 am PST
Can I transpose Piercing Eyes - and, if so, how?
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on February 25, 2022 @6:21 am PST
Hello Liz and thank you for your inquiry and recent purchase.

The version you bought of Piercing Eyes doesn't include "interactive sheet music, and so, it doesn't offer transposition. I am so sorry.

Unfortunately, at the moment, we have no other edition available of that piece.

If that doesn't work for you, please, let me know, will be happy to give you a full refund for your purchase.

Thank you again!

All the best,
Richard Lawson * VSM MEMBER * on June 13, 2021 @10:26 pm PST
I have downloaded a piece. How can I make it scroll slowly down the screen so that I can read it without taking my hands off my instrument?
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on June 13, 2021 @10:34 pm PST
Thank you for your inquiry Richard.

The only way to do that is to use one of our video accompaniments.

Either the ones for instrument solo below:

Or the ones included for free in some of our premium items like the following ones:

Please, let me know if that's what you were looking for.

All the best,
Richard Lawson * VSM MEMBER * on June 14, 2021 @12:35 pm PST
So it’s only available for a few scores? Or can I as the flautist get the scrolling function and play along with a video of the pianist?

I’m a bit disappointed. Turning the page is a total interruption of playing, and I bought in to virtual sheet music because I thought they would all scroll for me.
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on June 14, 2021 @3:41 pm PST
Yes Richard, that feature is available only for a few titles.

I am sorry for your disappointment, but I'd like to know where you had the idea we offered automatic-turning-page titles. our main service is to offer high-quality sheet music to download and print, plus a lot of media content such as audio files, MIDI files, and such. We also provide accompaniment videos like the ones I showed you, but that's just offered from some titles.

If you are looking for a big number of scores with automatic page-turning, I am afraid we are unable to offer you that.

Please, let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

All the best,
Christina * VSM MEMBER * on January 6, 2021 @1:55 am PST
I have just purchased virtual sheets, but I can not find them for downloading.
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on January 6, 2021 @7:45 am PST
Dear Christina,
Thank you for your inquiry and recent Membership.

You can find and retrieve all your purchased music inside the Carts log in your Control Panel:

We have also sent you an email with a retrieval link in case you need to retrieve your sheet music.

Finally, you can always use this page to retrieve your music from your receipt number:

Please, let me know if you have any further questions or need any additional help, I'll be glad to assist you at any time.

Thank you again for joining us!

All the best,
Julian * VSM MEMBER * on December 29, 2020 @11:07 am PST
I purchased a song and down loaded it. If I change the key can I print it in the new key. Do I have to repurchase it with the changes?
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on December 29, 2020 @12:29 pm PST
Hello Julian and thank you for your inquiry.

Absolutely not. You can retrieve your music, transpose it and print it out again. If you run out of available prints, please, contact us at:

Or from this page:

And we'll give you new prints to use )

Please, let me know if you need any further help.

All the best,
Frances Sensenig on February 12, 2020 @6:02 am PST
How do I get free sheet music
Very confuse on this end
I am not computer special person so trying my best to understand the program , thanks
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on February 12, 2020 @6:33 am PST
Hi Frances and thank you for your recent Membership and purchased music. I see you have purchased an item by Hal Leonard. Is that the one you need help with? If so, once you purchased your music, you were presented with the ability to print out or download your music as a PDF file. We also sent you an email with a "retrieval link" inside, so that you can retrieve your purchased music by following that link at any time.

With the fact you are a Member, you can also enjoy for free the complete Virtual Sheet Music repertoire.

Please, let me know if this gives you some directions or if you need any more specific help, I'll be glad to help you step-by-step with anything you'd like to accomplish.

All the best,
Frances Sensenig on February 12, 2020 @8:42 am PST
R you saying I can get free music printed
Out or pay?
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on February 12, 2020 @11:17 am PST
Yes, of course! The Virtual Sheet Music repertoire is free for Members. The Hal Leonard, Alfred, and Schott repertoire instead are available to Members for a discount.

Visit this page to understand your Membership benefits:

And, please, let me know if you have any further questions or need any additional help.

libera dantuono on January 22, 2020 @2:30 am PST
I cannot open the file in Photoshop, I need a code.
is it possible ?
thank you
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on January 22, 2020 @7:06 am PST
Hello Libera and thank you for your inquiry.

Our PDF files are protected for editing, they can just be viewed and printed out. Please, let me know what you'd like to accomplish, I'll be glad to help you in a different way.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your understanding.

All the best,
Sam Moore on November 4, 2019 @1:35 pm PST
i purchased a song but you didn’t send the whole song. Is there some way I can write a review of your web site so others don’t make the same mistake?
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on November 4, 2019 @3:29 pm PST
Dear Sam, thank you for your inquiry and for your recent purchase.

Well, of course, you are welcome to write a review of the piece you purchased if you like, but we'd like to make it right, which means:

1. Offer you a refund if you are not satisfied with your music
2. Review the piece you are talking about, end either remove it completely from our site or state clearly that it is a shorter version of it.

Please, let me know if the song you are talking about is the following one:

And if you'd like to have a refund, I'll be glad to proceed as you like.

Thanks again for your useful feedback!

All the best,
Sam Moore on November 4, 2019 @3:45 pm PST
Yes that’s the one where is the rest of the song?
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on November 4, 2019 @3:57 pm PST
Thank you Sam for your reply and information. That's actually just one page because it is a "fake book", which means, it just includes the melody fo the main theme with the lyrics and chords.

You might be interested in this version instead which is for voice and piano, and it is two pages long:

Please, let me know if that may be more what you were looking for. If so, I'll be glad to send you a copy of that one instead, free of charge of course.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you again.
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