Bass Voice Sheet Music

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Featured Items for Bass Voice
Choir Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah

Rating: 5

by George Frideric Handel for choir & piano.

Choir Christmas Music Songs, coll.1

Rating: 5

collection for choir & piano.

Choir Christmas Music Songs, coll.2

collection for choir & piano.

Popular Bass Voice Music
Choir Fantasie Op.80 in C minor, Finale

by Ludwig van Beethoven for choir & piano.

Voice, choir Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!

by George Frederick Root for voice, choir & piano.

Choir and orchestra Christmas Oratorio, part I

Rating: 5

by Johann Sebastian Bach for choir & orchestra.

Latest Additions for Bass Voice
Choir  Alle Karfolk Har Sa My' a Si

by Monte Mason for choir (SATB: soprano, alto, tenor, bass).

released on March 20, 2025

Choir  Hor det kaller, hor det lokker

by Monte Mason for choir (SATB: soprano, alto, tenor, bass).

released on March 20, 2025

Choir  Jeg Lagde Mig Sa Sildig

by Monte Mason for choir (SATB: soprano, alto, tenor, bass).

released on March 20, 2025

Most Popular Bass Voice Titles
Giovanni Perluigi Da Palestrina: Ascendo ad Patrem (COMPLETE)
Ascendo ad Patrem (COMPLETE) Rating: 5
Play now the well liked pieces for five voices or choir by Giovanni Perluigi Da Palestrina. It gives you high quality PDF sheet music files with audio Mp3 and Mp3 accompaniment files as well as interactive sheet music for realtime transposition. Start right now!
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George Frideric Handel: Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah
Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah Rating: 5
Start learning this awesome transcription of the amazing Hallelujah Chorus by George Frideric Handel for choir and piano. It gives you high quality PDF sheet music files with audio Mp3 and Mp3 accompaniment files plus interactive sheet music for realtime transposition. What are you waiting for?
What our users say about this title?
"Fantastic piece of music and easy to play.... I love it!!!"
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George Frideric Handel: Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah (COMPLETE)
Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah (COMPLETE) Rating: 5
Start dreaming with the amazing pieces for choir and orchestra by George Frideric Handel. It offers high quality PDF sheet music files with audio Mp3 and Mp3 accompaniment files. It also includes interactive sheet music for realtime transposition. Start playing it now.
What our users say about this title?
"I have been looking for this score for many years, now I found this on VSM."
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Miscellaneous: Christmas Carols, coll.1 (COMPLETE)
Christmas Carols, coll.1 (COMPLETE) Rating: 5
Get inspired by these noteworthy arrangements of the beautiful Christmas Carols for choir and piano. It offers high quality PDF sheet music files with audio Mp3 and Mp3 accompaniment files and interactive sheet music for realtime transposition. What are you waiting for?
What our users say about this title?
"Well done arrangements for choir. We sang different arrangements last year but this time we'll give these a try. You should also look at other choir arrangements on this site, they are all well done."
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Miscellaneous: Christmas Carols, coll.2 (COMPLETE)
Christmas Carols, coll.2 (COMPLETE)
Have a blasting peformance with these fabulous arrangements of the terrific Christmas Carols for choir and piano. It offers high quality PDF sheet music files with audio Mp3 and Mp3 accompaniment files as well as interactive sheet music for realtime transposition. Enjoy it now.
more info...

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Comments, Questions, Requests:

Paul on April 3, 2023 @12:33 pm PST
Do you offer anything vis-a-vie Dave Matthews Band or in particular, anything by Mr. Stef Lessard?
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on April 3, 2023 @3:18 pm PST
Hello Paul and thank you for your inquiry.

You may want to check out the following pages:

I hope you'll find what you are looking for!

Please, let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

All the best,
Paul on April 4, 2023 @7:49 am PST
You folks are simply unbelievable! I wrote in a small and short reply for sheet music re: Dave Matthew's Band and what I received back is a treasure trove of material, Whew! Thank you so much for your expedient response! I MUST immediately go to the membership page and join this outstanding organization! Thank you again Fabrizio Ferrari for your reply!
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on April 4, 2023 @8:13 am PST
Wow, thank you Paul! I am so glad you could find what you were looking for. I am always happy to help, at any time.

And thank you for joining us!

Please, always feel free to contact us with any questions or ideas you may have; we will always be glad to hear from you.

Enjoy your time here on VSM, and keep playing great music!

All the best,
Dan Lors on October 29, 2018 @4:42 am PST
Would like to see far more in the sacred music category for bass voice, small SATB ensemble and choral. I have extremely little interest in anything outside of the sacred music category.
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on October 29, 2018 @9:22 am PST
Of course Dan, that's something we can work on.

Do you have any specific title you'd like to see here first? Any suggestions are very welcome.

Thank you again for your feedback.
Dan Lors on October 29, 2018 @2:46 pm PST
Thanks, I would have to research for specific titles, but something along the lines of Jack Schrader's arrangements of "Order My Steps" or his "Lord, Listen to Your Children" which can be found on YouTube would be excellent starting points. I'm likely prejudiced, but I think sacred music has all the really good music. Smiley Face
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on October 30, 2018 @9:29 am PST
Thank you Dan for getting back to me with more details. Unfortunately music by Jack Schrader is still copyrighted, and we are unable to work on it, but I understand the style you like and we'll see if we can do something for you. Would you prefer something for choir and a solo bass voice, or just choir?

Also, we have a Christian collection for voice and piano:

Is that a kind of repertoire you'd like to have re-arranged for choir and bass solo?

I am sorry for so many questions, but I am trying to find the best way to really make it for you.

Thank you again.
Dan Lors on October 30, 2018 @10:22 am PST
I am aware that Schrader is still copyrighted, was using it as an example. Choir, choir with solo bass voice or just solo bass are all something I would welcome. I am a fan of a wide range of styles as long as the piece has quality. Moody Church choir is an example of many different styles done well, although most of their pieces are of a higher difficulty than could be done easily in the church I am in now. Looked at your Christian collection above, but, unfortunately I am not a great bass so they are in a key about a third too high. Frank Boggs later albums (Best of Frank Boggs) are excellent, but I've no idea where one could find the piano accompaniment. He is the best bass I've ever heard. Don't apologize for your questions I've been very pleasantly surprised by your level of interest.
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on October 30, 2018 @11:04 am PST
Thank you Dan! Wow, I love to correspond with musicians like yourself Smiley Face

So, it is my understanding that even transcriptions for bass voice and piano would work for you. That'd be easier for us to work on, and I am wondering if a transcription of the Christian Collection for bass and piano would be something we could start with, or any other piece we have already published for voice and piano, (all transcription from pieces we have already published are very easy to do for us).

Otherwise, of course, we'll look at your other suggested repertoire, for choir as well.

Thank you so much!
Dan Lors on October 30, 2018 @2:33 pm PST
You're being generous labeling me a musician. Although at my current church, I might allow that label, at Moody Church in Chicago, the choir had a few with Masters in Voice and several with Bachelor's in Voice and the pianist/organist had a Doctorate in piano. Amongst them, there is no way I'd consider myself a musician! I always say I took far more years of lessons at the college level than I sound like.... Yes, transcriptions would be a help and very welcome. We have two different hymnbooks but most are in a higher key than I prefer. I've downloaded a program that is supposed to be able to scan a page and then transpose it to whatever key is wished, but I haven't attempted to use it yet.
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on October 30, 2018 @3:55 pm PST
Well, please, let me labeling you as an "enthusiast amateur musician" then

Sounds good then. We'll work on a version of the Christmas collection for bass and piano, and I'll get in touch with you via email to find the best transposition for you.

Please, let me know if you have any further questions about this.

Thank you again!
Dan Lors on October 30, 2018 @10:29 pm PST
Thank you! I certainly fit the amateur musician category since a professional gets paid! Just to give you a little handle of where I am at: I've 7 years of voice lessons, a year of theory (although I've forgotten a bunch) and a year of conducting, all at college level. As far as transpositions, if C or D is the highest note, it'll likely be OK. I did once in college sing a piece that went to E flat, but college was a long time ago.... I injured my voice about 15 years ago and have been working on and off trying to get it back in shape. I do so appreciate your efforts at increasing your bass solo and your choir repertoire.
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on October 31, 2018 @3:40 pm PST
Dear Dan, you more than welcome!

And thank you so much for telling me more details about yourself and the best key for your voice. I am sorry to know though you injured your voice 15 years ago. That's pretty bad. I hope you could actually get back into shape as you have described. I know a couple of singers who had similar issues, and it took a long time indeed for them to recover.

Just one last question: Do you prefer to read in treble clef or bass clef? I am asking this because some basses are used to bass clef, and we certainly include both versions.

Thank you again.
Dan Lors on October 31, 2018 @7:33 pm PST
I'm more accustomed to reading treble clef for solos, however, I've been reading the bass part in that clef and singing bass (SATB) for about 48 years, so that would not exactly be a problem.... But thanks for asking. I injured my voice by getting hit in the throat by a shoulder playing basketball. Couldn't speak above a whisper for a week, and it took a long time just to get back to normal speaking volume. I finally let it rest for a few years and then a few years ago with a lot of vocalizing it came back almost to where it was. Strangely enough, my range since has moved upwards at both ends by about a step.
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on November 19, 2018 @2:52 pm PST
Dan, I am going to send you a first version of the Christmas Collection transposed for bass via email. We'll be in touch soon.
Fabrizio Ferrari - moderator and CEO, on November 1, 2018 @2:27 pm PST
Thank you Dan for letting me know about your favorite clef. As I said, we'll publish them both anyway Smiley Face

About your injury, well, that's something really interesting and sad at the same time, how unfortunate you have been in that circumstance. But I am glad you could get back almost completely to where you were before, that's good news. And it is actually amazing that your range moved upwards of about a step because of that incident. First time in my life I hear something like that, but it is understandable from a physical stand point.

Anyway, I'll proceed to make a new Christian collection for you in the coming days, so we'll be in touch. I'll keep you posted on everything.

Have a great weekend.

All the best,

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