95 items found for "voice" within "Count Basie", shown 1-20

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Basie, CountSweet Georgia Brownvoice & other instruments (fake book), chords, lead sheet and lyrics includedE $4.97Add to shopping cart
Hill, BillyThe Glory Of Lovevoice & other instruments (fake book), chords, lead sheet and lyrics includedE $4.97Add to shopping cart
Basie, CountStormy Monday Bluesguitar or voice (lead sheet), lead sheet and lyrics may be included. Please, check the preview to see if it is for guitar or just E / I $1.97Add to shopping cart
Basie, CountLi'l Darlin'guitar or voice (lead sheet), lead sheet and lyrics may be included. Please, check the preview to see if it is for guitar or just E / I $1.97Add to shopping cart
Basie, CountGoin' To Chicago Bluespiano, voice or other instruments, chords indications and lyrics includedE / I $5.97Add to shopping cart
Basie, CountJumpin' at the Woodsideguitar or voice (lead sheet), lead sheet and lyrics may be included. Please, check the preview to see if it is for guitar or just E / I $3.97Add to shopping cart
Basie, CountJumpin' at the Woodsidepiano, voice or other instruments, chords indications and lyrics includedE / I $5.97Add to shopping cart
Basie, CountJive at Fiveguitar or voice (lead sheet), lead sheet and lyrics may be included. Please, check the preview to see if it is for guitar or just E / IRating: 4$3.97Add to shopping cart
Basie, CountRockabye Basieguitar or voice (lead sheet), lead sheet and lyrics may be included. Please, check the preview to see if it is for guitar or just E / I $4.97Add to shopping cart
Basie, CountSent For You Yesterday (And Here You Come Today)piano, voice or other instruments, chords indications and lyrics includedE / I $5.97Add to shopping cart
Basie, CountYou Can't Run Aroundpiano, voice or other instruments, chords indications and lyrics includedE / I $4.97Add to shopping cart
Basie, CountBluebeard Bluesguitar or voice (lead sheet), lead sheet and lyrics may be included. Please, check the preview to see if it is for guitar or just E / I $3.97Add to shopping cart
Basie, CountBlues in the Darkpiano, voice or other instruments, chords indications and lyrics includedE / I $5.97Add to shopping cart
Hefti, NealFawncy Meeting Youguitar or voice (lead sheet), lead sheet and lyrics may be included. Please, check the preview to see if it is for guitar or just E / I $3.97Add to shopping cart
Basie, CountNeal's Dealguitar or voice (lead sheet), lead sheet and lyrics may be included. Please, check the preview to see if it is for guitar or just E / I $3.97Add to shopping cart
Basie, CountGood Baitguitar or voice (lead sheet), lead sheet and lyrics may be included. Please, check the preview to see if it is for guitar or just E / I $3.97Add to shopping cart
Basie, CountGood Morning Bluespiano, voice or other instruments, chords indications and lyrics includedE / IRating: 5$5.97Add to shopping cart
Hefti, NealCount Downguitar or voice (lead sheet), lead sheet and lyrics may be included. Please, check the preview to see if it is for guitar or just E / I $3.97Add to shopping cart
Hefti, NealFantailguitar or voice (lead sheet), lead sheet and lyrics may be included. Please, check the preview to see if it is for guitar or just E / I $3.97Add to shopping cart
Hefti, NealFlight of the Foo Birdsguitar or voice (lead sheet), lead sheet and lyrics may be included. Please, check the preview to see if it is for guitar or just E / I $3.97Add to shopping cart
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