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Video Transcription
The importance of volume in playing music. That's the subject today here at Livingpianos.com. Thanks for joining me. I'm Robert Estrin. It's an interesting thing that because as technology has grown, the use of volume to reach larger and larger audiences has ensued over hundreds of years. And you think about original music of just singing, playing song was the original music we have that's written but music goes back millennia before that and, of course, percussion instruments, banging on things to make even more sound. But, of course, usher in modern instruments like the saxophone and drum sets where the volume is tremendous, then you add to that electronics and it goes off the roof and things go crazy with how much volume is possible.
But today, we're talking about something a little bit different, not how the volume of musical instruments and musical expression has grown over generations and beyond but how volume in your own music has a profound effect upon the listener and the emotions that are conveyed. The actual amount of amplitude, the energy of the sound levels, has a profound effect upon how you feel when you're listening to music and I'm going to demonstrate that for you with some original music here to celebrate the new year. I hope you enjoy this.
So you can see that sometimes you can actually make a far louder message by holding back and playing delicately, and the same is true with technology on a grander scale. I can't tell you how many times I've gone into venues where the music has been so loud that you can't really appreciate it because it's beyond the threshold of pain. 100 decibels is considered the threshold of pain and if you go into the average club, a lot of times, the music is so loud. And when you actually draw listeners in with lower volume music, that's a lesson for today on a personal level, as well as a global level.
I hope you've enjoyed this and we wish a great new year of music. Thanks for joining me again. I'm Robert Estrin. This is Livingpianos.com, your online piano resource with lots of videos in the new year for you. Thanks for joining me and all you subscribers, a special thank you. We'll see you next time.