William Fitzpatrick - violin expert


How much important is believing in playing?

In this new video, Prof. Fitzpatrick tackles a fundamental mindset in violin playing: believing.

Released on January 29, 2025

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Video Transcription

So, which way do you think will motivate you more? Believing you can do something or believing you can't? I mean, believing you can't might push you to prove yourself wrong. In that way, what seems like a negative thought could actually become a positive motivator.

On the other hand, believing you can do something can bring the inspiration needed to take a great leap forward.

There's nothing negative about saying, I can do this. But which approach is more productive? Or, is there a middle ground? Could it be that thinking you can't is a part of believing you can? Could self-doubt actually be a step in the process of moving forward and performing at your best? If that's true, then maybe practicing is about more than improving.

Maybe it's about erasing doubt and paving the way to self-belief.

Believing that you can.

Believing that you will.

But let's be honest.

Believing in yourself can feel terrifying.

Imagine you're stuck on a difficult measure. You tell yourself, I believe I can do it, over and over to boost your confidence.

Then you try and mess up.

Saying you can doesn't guarantee that you will.

So, you play it a hundred times.

Wouldn't that prove you can do it? Well, it depends.

If you're just repeating the same mistake over and over, all you've done is turn that mistake into a habit, embedding it into your mind and body. You see what I mean? To remove doubt, you need proof.

Proof could be playing the measure right three out of five times.

Once you do that, aim for four out of five.

You see, each success builds belief, and that's how you erase doubt.

So, once again, it's not just about practicing. It's about how you practice.

I mean, if you believe you can and practice with purpose, you just might.

But if you believe you can't and don't practice, you definitely won't.
Automatic video-to-text transcription by DaDaScribe.com
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