COMPOSER/ARTIST | TITLE | INSTRUMENT | SKILL | RATING | PRICE | | | Nougaro, Claude | Berceuse A Pepe | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Nougaro, Claude | Cote D'azur | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Nougaro, Claude | Demain Je Chanterai | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Nougaro, Claude | Dent De Lait | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Nougaro, Claude | Un Petit Taureau | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Nougaro, Claude | Pour Une Seguedille | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Nougaro, Claude | Quatre Boules De Cuir | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Nougaro, Claude | Perle Et Le Pecheur | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Nougaro, Claude | Monsieur Qui Volait | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Nougaro, Claude | Ou? | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Nougaro, Claude | Homme De L'equateur | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Nougaro, Claude | Schplaouch | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Nougaro, Claude | Toutes Les Filles M'ont Suivi | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Nougaro, Claude | Tu Dormiras Longtemps | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Shuman, Mort | Monsieur Papa | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Shuman, Mort | Negociation | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Shuman, Mort | Nouvelle Pedagogie | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Shuman, Mort | Nuit Blanche | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Shuman, Mort | On A Deja Donne | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | | Shuman, Mort | Le Mercredi | voice & piano, chords and lyrics included | I | | $7.97 | |