COMPOSER/ARTIST | TITLE | INSTRUMENT | SKILL | RATING | PRICE | | | Jackson, Milt | Reunion Blues Dl | jazz band (tenor sax 2) | I | | $10.99 |  | Jackson, Milt | Reunion Blues Dl | jazz band (baritone sax) | I | | $10.99 |  | Porter, Cole | What Is This Thing Called Love?, from Wake Up and Dream | jazz band (full score), from Wake Up and Dream
full score | I | | $10.99 |  | Jackson, Milt | Reunion Blues Dl | jazz band (trumpet 1) | I | | $10.99 |  | Jackson, Milt | Reunion Blues Dl | jazz band (trumpet 2) | I | | $10.99 |  | Jackson, Milt | Reunion Blues Dl | jazz band (trumpet 3) | I | | $10.99 |  | Gordon, Wycliffe | What You Dealin' With | jazz band (full score), What You Dealin' With: Score
full score | I | | $10.99 |  | Jackson, Milt | Reunion Blues Dl | jazz band (trumpet 4) | I | | $10.99 |  | Jackson, Milt | Reunion Blues Dl | jazz band (trombone 1) | I | | $10.99 |  | Jackson, Milt | Reunion Blues Dl | jazz band (trombone 2) | I | | $10.99 |  | Jackson, Milt | Reunion Blues Dl | jazz band (trombone 3) | I | | $10.99 |  | Jackson, Milt | Reunion Blues Dl | jazz band (trombone 4) | I | | $10.99 |  | | Brincando com Fogo | jazz band (full score), Brincando com Fogo: Score
full score | I | | $10.99 |  | Jackson, Milt | Reunion Blues Dl | jazz band (guitar) | I | | $10.99 |  | Jackson, Milt | Reunion Blues Dl | jazz band (piano) | I | | $10.99 |  | Jackson, Milt | Reunion Blues Dl | jazz band (bass) | I | | $10.99 |  | Klenner, John | Just Friends | jazz band (full score), Just Friends: Score
full score | I | | $10.99 |  | Jackson, Milt | Reunion Blues Dl | jazz band (drums) | I | | $10.99 |  | Gershwin, George | But Not for Me | jazz band (full score), But Not for Me: Score
full score | I | | $10.99 |  | Hoffman, Al | Who Walks In When I Walk Out? (Key: D minor) | jazz band (trumpet/tenor sax, vocal alt.), from Who Walks In When I Walk Out? (Key: D Minor)|
(Key: D minor) | I | | $10.99 |  |