1,237 items found for "jazz" within "oboe" in your selected tab [view all], shown 1-20

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Bricusse, LesliePure Imagination (COMPLETE)concert band, from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory complete set of partsIRating: 5$69.99Add to shopping cart
Golson, BennyStablematesvoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
Mancini, HenryMoon River (COMPLETE)concert band, complete collectionIRating: 5$79.99Add to shopping cart
Parker, CharlieDewey Squarevoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$3.97Add to shopping cart
Mulligan, GerrySong For Strayhornvoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
Adderley, CannonballWork Songvoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
Zawinul, JosefMercy, Mercy, Mercyvoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
Sinatra, FrankThe Night We Called It A Dayvoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
Jobim, Antonio CarlosDesafinadovoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chords version 2IRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
Williams, PaulThe Rainbow Connectionvoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
Family, The RitchieBrazilvoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
Coleman, CyWhy Try To Change Me Nowvoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
Kaye, BuddyI'll Close My Eyesvoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
Mancini, HenryMoon Rivervoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
Mills, IrvingMoonglowvoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
Shorter, WayneInfant Eyesvoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
Arlen, HaroldCome Rain Or Come Shinevoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
Ellington, DukeCaravanvoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$3.97Add to shopping cart
Kern, JeromeYesterdaysvoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
Bonfa, LuizBlack Orpheusvoice & other instruments (in C), real book - melody and chordsIRating: 5$4.97Add to shopping cart
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