COMPOSER/ARTIST | TITLE | INSTRUMENT | SKILL | RATING | PRICE | | | Thalberg, Sigismund | Home! Sweet Home!, Air anglais varié, Op. 72 | piano solo, Air anglais varié, Op. 72, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Alkan, Charles Valentin | Le Chemin de Fer, Étude, Op. 27 | piano solo, Étude, Op. 27, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Gounod, Charles | Meditation sur le 1er Prelude de J. S. Bach | piano solo, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Schulhoff, Julius | Feuille d'Album | piano solo, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Gottschalk, Louis Moreau | Le Banjo, Esquisse américaine, Op. 15 | piano solo, Esquisse américaine, Op. 15, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Tausig, Carl | Siegmunds Liebesgesang, aus der Walküre von Richard Wagner | piano solo, aus der Walküre von Richard Wagner, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Sgambati, Giovanni | Melodie de Gluck | piano solo, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Moszkowski, Moritz | Tarentelle, Op. 77/6 | piano solo, Op. 77/6, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Pugnani, Giulio Gaetano | Adagio sostenuto | violin & piano, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Violin and Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Field, John | Melancolie | violin & piano, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Violin and Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Beriot, Charles De | Serenade, Op. 124 | violin & piano, Op. 124, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Violin and Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Yradier, Sebastian | La Paloma, Sérénade espagnole | violin & piano, Sérénade espagnole, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Violin and Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Chopin, Frederic | Mazurka, Op. 17/1 | violin & piano, Op. 17/1, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Violin and Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Alard, Delphin | Barcarolle, Op. 26/1 | violin & piano, Op. 26/1, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Violin and Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Faucheux, Auguste | Serenade, Op. 29 | violin & piano, Op. 29, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Violin and Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Gounod, Charles | Hymne a Sainte Cecile, Méditation religieuse | violin & piano, Méditation religieuse, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Violin and Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Ravina, Henri | Petit Bolero, Op. 62 | violin & piano, Op. 62, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Violin and Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Leonard, Hubert | Capricho espagnol, Op. 58 | violin & piano, Op. 58, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Violin and Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Schulhoff, Jules | Confidence, Impromptu, Op. 8/1 | violin & piano, Impromptu, Op. 8/1, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Violin and Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  | Rubinstein, Anton | Romance, Op. 10/5 | violin & piano, Op. 10/5, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Violin and Piano" | I / A | | $4.99 |  |