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1,052 items found for "advanced" within "piano", shown 961-980

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Kummer, KasparFrom the Youth, from: Pièces lyriques d’après des poèmes de Friedrich Rückert, Op. 109/2flute & piano, from: Pièces lyriques d’après des poèmes de Friedrich Rückert, Op. 109/2, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Flute and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Boisselot, XavierBolero, de l'Opera "Ne touchez pas a la reine"flute & piano, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Flute and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Briccialdi, GiulioAllegro alla Spagnuola, Op. 69flute & piano, Op. 69, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Flute and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Ortner, AntonRomance, Pièce de Salonflute & piano, Pièce de Salon, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Flute and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Wysham, Henry ClayChanson du soir, Nocturne from: Trois morceaux poétiques No. 1flute & piano, Nocturne from: Trois morceaux poétiques No. 1, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Flute and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Stenosse, EdmondFantaisie sur une chanson Napolitaine, Op. 3flute & piano, Op. 3, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Flute and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Lee, SebastianBerceuse, from: Deux Romances sans paroles, Op. 71/2cello & piano, from: Deux Romances sans paroles, Op. 71/2, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Cello and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Servais, Adrien-FrancoisTannhauser de Richard Wagner, Duo brillant (10me Livre des duos, arr. de J. Gregoir et F. Servais)cello & piano, Duo brillant (10me Livre des duos, arr. de J. Gregoir et F. Servais), from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Cello and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Franchomme, Auguste JosephFantaisie sur "La Flute enchantee" de Mozart, Op. 40cello & piano, Op. 40, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Cello and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Offenbach, JacquesFantaisie facile sur l'Opera de Rossini "Le Barbier de Seville", Op. 71cello & piano, Op. 71, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Cello and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Piatti, AlfredSiciliana, Op. 19cello & piano, Op. 19, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Cello and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Goltermann, GeorgAlla Mazurka, from: Trois morceaux caractéristiques, Op. 41/3cello & piano, from: Trois morceaux caractéristiques, Op. 41/3, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Cello and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Paque, GuillaumeRomance et Tarantelle, Op. 23cello & piano, Op. 23, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Cello and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Baerwolf, LouisMorceau de Salon, Op. 54cello & piano, Op. 54, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Cello and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Swert, Jules deValse en mi mineur de Frederic Chopincello & piano, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Cello and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Harraden, EthelTristesse, Romance sans parolescello & piano, Romance sans paroles, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Cello and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Goens, Daniel vanTarantelle, Op. 44cello & piano, Op. 44, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Cello and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Becker, HugoAndante religioso, Op. 2cello & piano, Op. 2, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Cello and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Barns, EthelL'Escarpolette, Swing Songcello & piano, Swing Song, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Cello and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Trowell, ArnoldLe Rappel des Oiseaux, Etude-Caprice, Op. 3/2cello & piano, Etude-Caprice, Op. 3/2, from "Joy of Music, Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Cello and Piano"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
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