101 items found for "piano" within "Camille Saint-Saens", shown 61-80

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Saint-Saens, CamilleThe Swan -EXCLUSIVE ARRANGEMENT tuba in Eb & pianoE / I $6.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleSaint-Sans: Piano Concerto No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 22 (COMPLETE)two pianos, four hands, Saint-Sans: Piano Concerto No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 22 complete set of partsE / I $13.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleSaint-Sans: Violin Concerto No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 61 (COMPLETE)violin & piano, Saint-Sans: Violin Concerto No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 61 complete set of partsI $15.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleSaint-Sans: Danse Macabre, Op. 40 (COMPLETE)violin & piano, Saint-Sans: Danse Macabre, Op. 40 complete set of partsI $10.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleIntroduction and Royal March of the Lions (COMPLETE)full orchestra, from Carnival of the Animals complete set of partsE / I $63.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleFossils (COMPLETE)string orchestra, Fossils complete set of partsI $49.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleRoyal March of the Lion (COMPLETE)string orchestra, Royal March of the Lion complete set of partsI $54.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleCarnival of the Animals (COMPLETE)string orchestra, Carnival of the Animals complete set of partsE / I $89.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleTheme From Havanaise (COMPLETE) (piano...)orchestra, complete collectionI $54.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleDanse Bacchanale (from Samson And Delila) (COMPLETE) (piano...)orchestra, complete collectionI $59.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleDanse Macabre (COMPLETE) (piano...)orchestra, complete collectionI $43.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleRomance, Op. 67horn & piano, Op. 67, from "Concert Favourites, The Finest Concert and Encore Pieces"A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleTendre souvenir, Rêverieflute & piano, Rêverie, from "La Belle Époque, French Music around 1900"E / I $4.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleBerceuse in B-flat major, Op. 38violin & piano, Op. 38, from "Romantic Miniatures, 25 Pieces"E / I $4.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleThe Elefant, from: Le Carnaval des animauxdouble-bass & piano, from: Le Carnaval des animaux, from "Best of Double Bass Classics, 16 Famous Concert Pieces for Double Bass and Piano"A $6.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleLe Rossignol, The Nightingaleviolin & piano, The Nightingale, from "Animals in Music, 21 Original Pieces and Arrangements for Violin and Piano"E / I $4.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleTortues, Turtlesviolin & piano, Turtles, from "Animals in Music, 21 Original Pieces and Arrangements for Violin and Piano"E / I $4.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleThe Swan, from: The Carnival of the Animalsalto recorder & piano, from: The Carnival of the Animals, from "My Favourite Melodies, 14 Selected Pieces"E / I $4.99Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleSonata in E flat major Op. 167clarinet & pianoI / A $6.75Add to shopping cart
Saint-Saens, CamilleMy Heart at Thy Sweet Voiceviolin & pianoI / A $3.99Add to shopping cart
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