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What should musicians eat?
What should musicians eat?
What should musicians eat? Does that affect their music?

In this video, Robert talks about musicians and food. In particular, what makes up a "healthy diet" for a musician?

Released on August 28, 2019

The Lost Art of Classical Improvisation
The Lost Art of Classical Improvisation
Listen to a "classical music improvisation"

In this video, Robert improvises on one of his pianos in "classical music" style. Will you be inspired by this video and try it yourself with your instrument?

Released on August 21, 2019

What Instrument Has the Most Solo Repertoire?
What Instrument Has the Most Solo Repertoire?
An interesting question for any musician

In this video, Robert talks about an interesting subject. What instrument do you think has the most "solo repertoire"?

Released on August 14, 2019

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