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Playing with Piano
Playing with Piano
Learn where to position yourself when playing with a pianist

In this video, prof. Fitzpatrick tells you where you should stand when playing on stage with a pianist.

Released on December 7, 2016

Using different fingers to play diminished 5ths
Using different fingers to play diminished 5ths
Learn the right approach for diminished fifths

In this video, Prof. Fitzpatrick gives you very useful tips for playing diminished 5ths often found in the most famous violin repertoire.

Released on November 2, 2016

Should you vibrate before playing the note?
Should you vibrate before playing the note?
A definitive answer to a very common question

In this video, Prof. Fitzpatrick talks about vibrato and the myth of "vibrating before playing the note." It looks like the secret is in "synchronizing" your left hand with your right hand, so that vibrato naturally follows.

Released on October 5, 2016

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