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Can an Out of Tune Piano Have More Sustain?
Can an Out of Tune Piano Have More Sustain?
Is that reality or myth?

In this video, Robert answers this question: Do out of tune pianos have more sustain? Watch this video to find out.

Released on October 23, 2019

Can a Classical Pianist Play Popular Music?
Can a Classical Pianist Play Popular Music?
What are the challenges? What are the differences?

In this video, Robert answers an interesting question: "Can a Classical Pianist Play Popular Music?" The answer is simpler than you may think!

Released on October 16, 2019

Is there Muscle Memory in Piano?
Is there Muscle Memory in Piano?
How does memory work when playing the piano?

In this video, Robert talks about using memory while playing the piano. Can that be considered real "muscle memory?"

Released on October 9, 2019

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