PART 3 - Accidental and Intervals

Learn how to recognize accidentals and what are intervals in music
Sofia Ferrari, narrator

What are accidentals?

Accidentals are symbols that are placed in front of notes to alter their pitch. Any note can be raised or lowered by placing an accidental directly before it:


Here are a few examples:

Accidentals Examples

As a general rule, accidentals are only applicable inside the bar in which they appear. If you find an accidental inside a bar and don’t find it again in the following bar, its effect is no longer applied. This is not the case when accidentals are defined as key signature. Accidentals can also be placed at the beginning of the piece or subsequent section in order to have all subsequent corresponding notes altered accordingly, unless a different accidental is placed before them:

More Accidentals Examples

What are intervals?

Intervals in music refer to the distance in pitch between two notes. They are fundamental to understanding melody, harmony, and scale structures in music.

A semitone (half step) is the smallest distance between notes in traditional music. If you take a piano keyboard, any key is a half step apart and therefore is a semitone. You can’t have a smaller distance between notes. On the other hand, a tone (whole step) is composed of two semitones. On a piano keyboard, you have a tone every two keys. One tone is a second interval, two tones are a third interval, and so on, up to one octave:

Intervals Examples

Practice test

Answer the questions below to verify your knowledge of what has been explained above:

Question 1: What are accidentals?

Question 2: What accidental is this?

Question 3: What accidental is this?
Accidental 2

Question 4: What is an interval?

Question 5: What is a semitone?

Question 6: What is a tone?

Question 7: What interval is this?
Interval 2

Question 8: What interval is this?
Interval 2
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