PART 1 - Music and Music Notes

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Sofia Ferrari, narrator

What is music?

The standard definition of music is “the art of sounds.” In fact, sound is at the foundation of music, so without sound, you have no music. A sound is defined by its pitch (the highness or lowness of a sound) and its timbre (the “quality” or “tone” of a sound). If we define rhythm as the length of time a sound is produced, we can call that sound a “note,” a sound with a specific pitch and a specific rhythm.

What is the staff?

To understand what pitch a note has, we place the note on a canvas called a staff:


The staff is composed of 5 lines and 4 spaces. The notes are placed on those lines and spaces according to their pitch. Notes higher in pitch are placed higher on the staff and vice-versa:

High and low pitch

To name the pitches, we use the first seven letters of the alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. We also use a clef at the beginning of the staff to establish a point of reference to understand at what absolute pitch we must start counting notes. There are several clefs in music, but the most common ones are the treble, bass, alto and tenor clefs:

Treble clef Bass clef Alto clef Tenor clef

Practice test

Answer the questions below to verify your knowledge of what has been explained above:

Question 1: What is music?

Question 2: What is the staff?

Question 3: Is this a high or low pitch?

Question 4: Is this a high or low pitch?

Question 5: What clef is this?
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