Quiz #12 - Time Signatures

Test your knowledge on time signatures with this tutorial.

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Quiz Review

Time signatures

Time signatures are written at the beginning of a musical piece and indicate the number of beats in each bar. The top number represents the number of beats in a bar, while the bottom number indicates the note value that represents one beat.

For example, in a 4/4 time signature, there are 4 beats in each bar, and in the example below, each beat is represented by a quarter note:

Time Signature in 4/4

Similarly, in a 6/8 time signature, there are 6 beats in each bar, and in the example below, each beat is represented by an eighth note:

Time Signature in 6/8

Therefore, you should be able to calculate the correct number of beats in a bar by looking at the note values in the bar. If the note values adds up to corresponds to the value given by multiplying the bottom number by the top number of the time signature, then you have the correct time signature.

Practice test

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Wrong: 0
(10 of 10)
Correct: 10

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