58 items found for "voice" within "Giuseppe Verdi", shown 41-58

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Verdi, GiuseppeGualtier Malde!...Caro nome, From ‘Rigoletto’soprano & piano, From ‘Rigoletto’, from "Italian Opera Arias"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeCome in quest'ora bruna, From ‘Simon Boccanegra’soprano & piano, From ‘Simon Boccanegra’, from "Italian Opera Arias"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeTacea la notte placida, From ‘Il trovatore’soprano & piano, From ‘Il trovatore’, from "Italian Opera Arias"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeVolta la terrea fronte alle stelle, From ‘Un ballo in maschera’soprano & piano, From ‘Un ballo in maschera’, from "Italian Opera Arias"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeO figli, o figli miei! ... Ah, la paterna mano, From ‘Macbeth’tenor & piano, From ‘Macbeth’, from "Italian Opera Arias"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeAmici miei ... Soldati ... La rivedra nell'estasi, From ‘Un ballo in maschera’tenor & piano, From ‘Un ballo in maschera’, from "Italian Opera Arias"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeDi quella pira, From ‘Il trovatore’tenor & piano, From ‘Il trovatore’, from "Italian Opera Arias"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeDi' tu se fedele, From ‘Un ballo in maschera’tenor & piano, From ‘Un ballo in maschera’, from "Italian Opera Arias"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeDio! Mi potevi scagliare tutti i mali, From ‘Otello’tenor & piano, From ‘Otello’, from "Italian Opera Arias"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeLa vita e inferno all'infelice ... Oh, tu che in seno agli angeli, From ‘La forza del destino’tenor & piano, From ‘La forza del destino’, from "Italian Opera Arias"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeOh! Fede negar potessi ... Quando le sere al placido, From ‘Luisa Miller’tenor & piano, From ‘Luisa Miller’, from "Italian Opera Arias"I / A $4.99Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeDe' miei bollenti spiriti, Alfred's aria from the opera "La Traviata"tenor & piano, Alfred's aria from "the opera "La Traviata""E / I $4.99Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeIl balen del suo sorriso, Count Luna's aria from the opera "Il trovatore"baritone & piano, Count Luna's aria from "the opera "Il trovatore""E / I $4.99Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeQuesta o quella per me pari sono, The Duke's ballad from the opera "Rigoletto"tenor & piano, The Duke's ballad from "the opera "Rigoletto""E / I $4.99Add to shopping cart
MiscellaneousFour Soprano Arias, coll.1 (trascr. mezzo) (voice...) -EXCLUSIVE ARRANGEMENT mezzo soprano & pianoI $6.99Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeNight Enchantedpiano, voice or other instruments, chords indications and lyrics includedE / I $7.97Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeDi Quella Piravoice, piano or guitar, chords, lead sheet indications and lyrics may be includedI $6.97Add to shopping cart
Verdi, GiuseppeCaro Nome (from Rigoletto)voice, piano or guitar, chords, lead sheet indications and lyrics may be includedI $6.97Add to shopping cart
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